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What premises are available for rent in the shopping mall?

Information on the availability of premises is provided on an individual request. It depends on the format of the space you are interested in, your concept, as well as the availability of the premises. 

We recommend that you prepare a presentation and submit a rental request to get the latest information.

You can also view current offers in Spaces, including prices, in the Space Offers section.

How do I rent a space in a shopping mall?

To rent a space, you need to prepare a presentation of your business and send a rental request. Once the availability of space is confirmed, you can start negotiating the lease terms for the proposed premises.

What is the cost of renting in a shopping centre?

The cost of renting a space varies depending on the size, location and product group. We recommend that you prepare a presentation and submit a lease request to get the latest information.

We also strive to publish updated information on the lease terms in the shopping centre in articles on our blog

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